Check out what J R WRITER, a DIPLOMAT associate and rapper had to say about his shooting over the weekend;
'I was in front of the studio i been recording out for the past 3 months in the BRONX, when 2 bum ass niggaz step to me and a couple of my dudes with guns. For what? I still have no idea. They looked more like they were going to kill something. None of us was strapped. We actually thought we were in a low spot in the BX. On top of that, we been coming there for the past three months with no problems working on my album and new mixtape. When we saw the look on his face and heard him say "now what, what now?" It sounded more like beef than anything else. So we got up out of there. That's when he let off 2 shots our way, which, one of the shots hit me and i dropped. He then starting shooting at my peoples and running towards them. When i saw that, i was gonna play dead, but i said "hell no" and picked myself up and got across the street where my nigga plat was running back towards my way. The shooter looks back and see's me limping across the street with my nigga plat and starts running towards us like he was going to finish me off till he heard police sirens and ran off.
I am doing okay now, just trying to recover. The doctor says i was lucky the shot didn't hit any major artery or bones. It went through the back of my thigh and exited through the front. It was a .45, so that would of really fucked me up.'
I shook my head when i read this story. How can someone just feel he has the power to take another human beings life, just like that. I know must rappers rap about getting shot at, shooting back, shooting up someone and stuff like that, but when it comes to reality, it just does not make sense.
I kind of find it difficult to accept people carrying guns. If you are walking around with a gun, you would one day get tempted to use it. And if you use it and hit your target, then you just ended a person's life. Whether that person was a good individual or bad, the dead man's blood is on your head. It's just hard for me to think that, by just pulling the trigger, you could end a person's life. That means you do not have to be a gangster to kill someone. That means I, a skinner ass dude, could walk up to someone like JAY-Z in the streets, and POW! He is gone. Wow!
I am from AFRICA and still in NIGERIA right now, and if we have differences, we settle it with the fist. Forget the knife or the gun, or the bottle, only cowards use that here. After the fight, the loser can even get up and shake the winner, and that's that, respect would be established between the two, and they would have settled their differences.
Why would you just want to pull a trigger, and end all the fun. I am not even going to touch on black on black crime, cos even the Caucasians do kill themselves, but it is always for a solid reason, like business or something. And it is always around the top echelon of the society. In the case of J WRITER, it could be that the shooter had been watching them, and was envious of the fact that they were super stars, or that they looked good all the time. It could even be about something J writer and his crew members said at one time or the other, that offended him, and they didn't count it as anything. I just wish all this senseless killing and near death experiences can stop.
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