Is Trick Trick's Decision to Stop Rick Ross From Performing in Detroit a Wise One?

So, 41 year old Detroit rapper, Trick Trick stopped Rick Ross from performing in Detroit some days ago, because he feels Ross didn't comply by his 'No Fly Zone' rules. He locked the gates to the venue, and with his 100 local goons, blocked Ross's tour bus from getting anywhere near the venue. I thought the No Fly Zone thing was about artist paying him a fee before performing in Detroit (Trick Trick is the unofficial Mayor of Detroit), but he has said that it ain't about the money. Read his words below. 

"I move how I move because I stand for something. My no fly zone ain't about taking nobody's money. I don't want your motherf*cking money, nobody. What the f*ck I look like? Telling somebody you got to me pay me to come to my town. Don't you think I would have been in f*cking prison if that what was going on? And as far as the incident the other day, you see what the f*ck the police said; no arrests were made, so what the f*ck did I do wrong?" (WSHH)

So, if his No Fly Zone is not about money, it must be about only allowing people he is cool with perform in the city. Or maybe allowing people who pay him due respect; this is even funnier. Cos, this doesn't seem like a wise move; it sounds like a childish move. Okay, you believe Ross is fake, that's fine. But, you have to know that a certain amount of people in your city have already paid for tickets to see that fake rapper, and their choice should be respected. Also, the promoters had already paid for the venue, and Ross's performance fee. He showed up at the venue, and you and your goons blocked his way. This might put a dent in Ross's image, and satisfy Trick Trick's ego, but Ross already got paid, and he can't return the money since he showed up at the venue, and the promoters didn't do their part of the work in securing the venue.

The way I see it, Detroit is losing money with the No Fly Zone. It still amazes me how 40 year old black men can keep hanging on to these gang related ways, and believe it is forward moving. And black people complain about racism. How do you want other races to respect you when this is what you support. A 41 year old MAN, still behaving like a teenager. How can we be taken seriously?

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